Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Grounds for Divorce

Aside from the obvious such as adultery or abuse, Bill and I have grounds for divorce. Well, only one actually, we used to have two but forgot one. If either of us becomes a vegetarian (doctor's orders due to health reasons excluded) it's grounds for divorce. You may laugh or be disgusted in shock but it's true. Bill feels more strongly about this than I do because he has a saying - a meal without meat is just a snack. I, on the other hand, am more than content to have cereal or a grilled cheese for dinner. (Side note for the remainder of my blogging days - if ever discussing "meat" in general, it likely means any protein including fish.) It sometimes becomes a sticking point for us because he's so adamant about it. It can be hard to whip up a meat meal at 9:00 on a Saturday night. Just give me my Raisin Bran. I do, however, have a very strong love for meat. Did you see when Jessica Simpson wore that "Real Girls Eat Meat" shirt that she bought from a Texas steakhouse? Now, I have friends - some of whom I am very close - that are vegetarians so I would never wear a shirt that said that. I am also not one to go around purposely offending people but I have to admit, I thought the shirt was cool. Bill and I have already talked about what will happen if one of our children wants to become a veg (it's just easier to type) or is allergic to any foods for that matter. After a very quick chat, we decided that adoption would be the best option. KIDDING. Allergies aside because we can't control that, we plan on bringing our kids into the kitchen at as early an age as possible to teach them about food and cooking. We hope that if they grow up involved and with an appreciation for all foods, that they will be more open. Maybe one would even go on to be a world famous chef. Our only fear is that we'll turn them into such food and wine snobs that they'll die in college. (Yes, this was a serious conversation we had. Now you can imagine what dinner's like at our house - fun!) I think if done right, and if we're good parents, they'll be good kids and understand that what type of food you eat doesn't make you better than anyone else because food, afterall, is ultimately just sustenance for energy and life that all people share. 2 am pizza and beer included.

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About This Blog

Laura began this blog with the intention of someday chronicling our children's lives since our family is spread out from east coast to west. We wanted a way for family to get up-to-date news. Since we had no children at the time, it became a blog that followed our (her) foodie thoughts. Cooking, eating out and drinking wine are huge hobbies of ours so it only seemed fitting. Now that children are here we're going to attempt to meld the two together. You will notice "Foodies" and "Family" links at the top left of the page underneath the header photos. Use these links to focus in on the entries you want to read and bypass the others. We hope you enjoy.

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