Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby on the Loose!

As we were packing up the car getting ready to head to Lake Okoboji last Friday, someone decided to reach a major milestone.  Audrey began to crawl!!!  She was on the verge for a good month so we knew it would be any day but we were still shocked when she finally put all of the pieces together and actually went forward and kept going.  The cats aren't happy - at least not Tigger.  Before crawling began he knew he could stay safely out of her reach but now, she's relentless.  He bopped her on the head the other day (don't worry, he doesn't have claws and it wasn't very hard) when she wouldn't stop playing with his feet and he couldn't get away.  Oh how life is going to change for him!  And us!  :)  Here's a video that was taken yesterday (on Day 5 of Crawling Life if you're counting) where she conquers a long hallway in our house.  Watch out world!


  1. AMAZING!! can't believe how big she is getting. thanks for sharing such a beautiful moment with us :)

  2. Ah, too cute! Walking next, look out kitties.


About This Blog

Laura began this blog with the intention of someday chronicling our children's lives since our family is spread out from east coast to west. We wanted a way for family to get up-to-date news. Since we had no children at the time, it became a blog that followed our (her) foodie thoughts. Cooking, eating out and drinking wine are huge hobbies of ours so it only seemed fitting. Now that children are here we're going to attempt to meld the two together. You will notice "Foodies" and "Family" links at the top left of the page underneath the header photos. Use these links to focus in on the entries you want to read and bypass the others. We hope you enjoy.

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