Sunday, April 18, 2010


Another milestone was reached in Audrey's little world today - she ate rice cereal for the first time.  Yum!  I have to admit, I was expecting it to be quite the show - a face of disgust, food flying, a mouth clenched shut - but it was anything but.  She actually seemed to enjoy it and was eating like a pro by the end.  I'm thinking this is good news for us.  Hopefully it will continue and she'll be like us and will eat anything.  That said, I'm also hoping that the funny faces come when we start introducing vegetables.  It can't all be this easy, right?  I just want the experience of watching her face scrunch up all cute as she spits out her peas.  And by the way, for someone who is new at this whole "feeding a baby pseudo real food" thing, rice cereal kind of freaks me out.  It's not really rice, not whole grains at least, and I wouldn't call it cereal.  It kind of looks like shredded coconut which is not at all what I was expecting.  I really don't know what my expectations were.  My mom asked if I tasted it and I'll admit, the thought NEVER crossed my mind.  I'm slightly intrigued now though so we'll see.  As long as my next entry isn't titled "101 Rice Cereal Recipes", I think it should be okay. 

1 comment:

  1. So I was brave and tried the rice cereal - it was actually really good. It tasted like oatmeal loaded with a ton of sugar. I think this explains why kids don't like their veggies. We hop them up on sweet tasting cereal and then pull a fast one. Here kid, try these pureed carrots, I know they're not sweet but they're good for your eyes. And just like that they grow up distrusting their parents, hating vegetables and wondering why oatmeal is so bland. Okay, maybe not but I bet they do miss the sugar goodness and that's why they make that face upon the first veggie bite. :)


About This Blog

Laura began this blog with the intention of someday chronicling our children's lives since our family is spread out from east coast to west. We wanted a way for family to get up-to-date news. Since we had no children at the time, it became a blog that followed our (her) foodie thoughts. Cooking, eating out and drinking wine are huge hobbies of ours so it only seemed fitting. Now that children are here we're going to attempt to meld the two together. You will notice "Foodies" and "Family" links at the top left of the page underneath the header photos. Use these links to focus in on the entries you want to read and bypass the others. We hope you enjoy.

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